Another unexpected gift I have received as a result of taking this unexpected journey is perceiving a unique and profound outlook or point of view. I have attempted to describe this to friends and family in terms of a "before the fall" perspective compared with an "after the fall" perspective.
Looking at my current situation through the lens of the before the fall perspective you might anticipate that I would be frustrated and impatient about being bedridden and then limited to a wheelchair for such a long period of time. But something happened once I departed Harborview and found a more restful environment at Anderson House. I had time to reflect and count my blessings.
And that kind of multiplied on itself. I found myself being thankful to the point of overflowing just about every hour of every day. I became more 'present' and 'mindful' in 'the now.' Not thinking about tomorrow or next week or next month eliminated any cause for frustration or impatience. In 'the now' there was just enough room for extreme thankfulness and appreciation for my good fortune. One morning I woke up and experienced a literal tidal wave of thankfulness and appreciation; it was overwhelming. I hesitate to use words like transformational but that's exactly how I felt.
No telling whether I'll be able to maintain this sense of presence and mindfulness, but having had the chance to experience it and having the prospect of being able to hang on to it gives me cause for great joy. Here is yet another example of tremendous good fortune.
When I first experienced it and coined the phrase 'being in the now' I thought it was something brand new, but then coincidentally I was reading a book called 10% Happier about the documented physical and mental benefits associated with meditation. The author of that book went into quite a bit of detail about how to meditate and he discussed being in the now. Who'da thunk it.
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