Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Ended up getting out into the alpine 14 weekends in a row this season, but finally was rained out this past weekend.  I may be able to sneak in one or two more scramble adventures before laying off for the shoulder season while snow accumulates at elevation, and then it'll be time to strap on aggressive snowshoes for winter trekking at elevation.

Most recent trip was the Sawtooth Slam in the Okanagan National Forest, with 25 miles and 7,700 ft gain over three days, touching the tops of Martin, Switchback and Bigelow along the way.  Was great spending two nights under the stars, visiting spectacular alpine lakes surrounded by Larch in their golden splendor.

For the next several weekends, if the mountains are socked in, then l will get out on the water, either kayaking or sailing depending on wind.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you're continued recovery (already you have surpassed the mere mortal status). Very sorry about the incident. Two years ago, a friend of mine's son fell while at Red Rock hiking. His mom called me and I went online and googled "injured from falling down a mountain" and there was your blog. I did not know it was "your blog" I forwarded it. Then, months later, went back and discovered you were the author. Still a very small world. Zach has needed the hope you have provided these past few years as he has been recovering from bones throughout his body that were broken and crushed, as well (in his case, he wore his flip flops to hike, enough said (Zach plays guitar for a band in New Orleans. An Austin band was in New Orleans and invited Zach's band to visit Austin and Zach's band opened for them in Austin - then they decided to go hiking)). He emailed today for me to forward 'that blog' Mrs Stacy.... Be well! (my 16yr old's gmail)
